Evaluating your Company’s Position
Evaluating your company’s position entails assessing each of the market segments and your company’s abilities or competitiveness in a given segment. The goal is to visually highlight the value proposition of each segment and how the company fits within the segment.
Step 1:
- Evaluate each descriptor (size, growth, margins, competition & risk) for each segment identified in the prior Segment Analysis step. Hover over each descriptor for a definition.
- CONCURRENTLY, determine whether it’s growing, flat or contracting
Step 2:
- Evaluate your company’s position (customer, applicable experience, solutions, people and scale / breadth) within each segment.
- CONCURRENTLY, determine whether it’s improving, no change or contracting
Step 3:
- Step back and observe the green, yellow and red dots with the direction of the arrows for each segment
- ADDITIONALLY, evaluate the green, yellow and red dots with the direction of the arrows for each segment the company operates in.
Step 4:
- OBSERVE and DOCUMENT any patterns or discontinuities in each segment. In other words, is the segment all green and growing while the company is red and yellow?